Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Erin & Mark...

This was a special shoot... These guys paid a little extra to have something unique, and we needed a driver (getaway car). I went location scouting for hours on July 4th (photog is my life) and as a result we shot at all new areas. As far as the sinking ship goes I feel it was a little too dangerous looking back, I don't know maybe I'm just getting old but Erin was really scaring me! I could hear her breathing from 80 feet away as she climbed up those rusting steps. That ship is much bigger than I thought, they are really up there. It turned out great and we were all like kids in that we HAD to go up there (well they did- I stayed on land most of the time haha). We all have time to rest now, her wedding is 8-8-09. click here to view their slideshow

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Duane! These pictures are beyond what we hoped we could get! We so appreciate the time you spent finding us something different and making us try things that were even a little scary at times. But the results were more than well worth it and we can't wait to see the whole thing and work with you on the actual big day! Thanks so much!!!