Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jenny's Wedding!

Check out their Slideshow! 90 pics...

Jenny's wedding day started out really fast. So fast that we had to do the quickie girl hug pics in a little room with cartoon wallpaper everywhere, so I made them B&W for the slideshow. Jenny had eight bride's maids and they were very fun.

The ceremony was long and I really like that for pics. Everyone re-grouped for wedding party football and pics on campus before the big party. These guys really like to dance too... really!

Jenny's wedding has a series of shots that I love, and are really hard to get and hers are just the best I have gotten. They are of them walking down the aisle after being married! I don't even mind that Father was wiping his nose in the background, let's just say he was crying. Awe that's sweet.

If u are curious about the first pic in the slideshow- Anthony is a police man... and those are the smallest handcuffs I have ever seen.

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