Kristi and Paul are good friends of mine and not clients. I really like them, they are very sweet. Anyway they are getting married next winter and didn’t have any real pics... awe... So we scheduled this shoot on our return from a wedding photography conference in Vegas. I was really worried the pics would suck and the fact that Kristi is a great photographer didn’t help. Then it got so cold that we had to stop at the best time of the day so it was a tough shoot in some ways but K & P were really really easy to photograph. I must say that I was glad to finally see them act all romantic. I have known her like 3 years and I think this was the first time I saw them kiss! They sure looked happy and I can’t wait to see their wedding- as soon as they pick a spot!
If u are a K & P fan please leave a comment. Kristi will see them, she's my only blog follower... I know she checks in here...
I had been looking forward to Summer’s wedding for awhile. Ever since her eng shoot to tell the truth. She was such a big fan of my work I was rather worried. Her eng shoot went really well and I still use one pic on my web site main page (I really like it). So when the day got a little behind and the location Summer picked out was rejected – by me haha, I was a little worried. She picked out an Ice cream shop and it was filled with people! So I had them follow me around down town Bakersfield looking for places to take their wedding pics at. So here are the locations (this sounds crazy I know) A Bail Bonds building (top picture), alley (second pic), a walkway leading to an underpass (last pic), and the side of a candy factory.
Surprisingly, this was a mellow wedding and a mellow crowd or they were just holding back for Summer’s big day. And everyone was really friendly - check this out - I went around the reception to the guest and I would see if they wanted a pic with their dates or friends (you know) and every person I asked was like “yes take our pic yay”! Even the older couples would get happy and snuggle up to their partner. Usually someone says no. I guess Bakersfield is the friendliest place on Earth.